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Present's people choose and buy, ebook right this year

点击数:48202017-10-13 16:58:04 来源: 中山市普源工艺制品有限公司

新闻摘要:Year off again, the gift of choose and buy has become now the most worry. And once upon a time, "this year the holidays don't accept a gift, gift only accept brain platinum" slogan to say how much of the merchant's heart. Buy, sell more difficult, I'm afr

Year off again, the gift of choose and buy has become now the most worry. And once upon a time, "this year the holidays don't accept a gift, gift only accept brain platinum" slogan to say how much of the merchant's heart. Buy, sell more difficult, I'm afraid that is presents the present situation of the market the invisible market.

Previous gift choice for a single attribute, or enough emphasis on face, or focus on practical enough. Traditional fine fruit, high-grade health products have already faded out of the line of sight of people, consumers begin to rethink present value, especially when choosing gifts to children begin to behave more carefully, because part of the electronic entertainment properties too strong will to keep the children even half an hour reading can adhere to the concern is not unfounded.

This year several degrees of concern e-books like remaining that did not fall, again in the current hot gift market Deus ex, sales promotions frequently surfaced. Mountain hanwang, grand these giants still not dead?

With the ebook and some understanding, personal feel or ebook inclusive gives the vitality of this product in the gift market. 2010 is known as China's first e-book industry, not only because of national relevant policies and industry standards, we will vigorously support e-book industry, but also because the domestic electric paper book fair place showed a strong momentum of development. In the face of the competition, iphone and other smart phones, e-books can get such wide acceptance and development space, not only because it than traditional paper books convenient utility, but also because it can be implemented with the help of electronic science and technology paper books reading experience. In addition, the habit of reading with the help of the fashion of modern high-tech tools is incorporated in the lifestyle of modern people, improve the level of the national reading and the accumulation of knowledge, become a real sense, there are both face and the connotation of cost-effective gift choice.

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